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  • 0876087291


(also known as the Scalpel Facial) is a noninvasive exfoliating skincare treatment that removes about 3-4 weeks of dead skin and peach fuzz (superficial facial hair), brightens skin, allows for better product penetration, and reduces appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Peach fuzz – What is it?

Peach fuzz (Vellus hair) are fine hairs that coat most of the face and body. They act as a protective covering for the skin. Vellus hairs contribute to the dull looking appearance of skin and also inhibit product penetration. Removing vellus hairs helps brighten the skin and allows for your products to penetrate better.) Dermaplaning will remove vellus hair by gently scraping across the skin with a surgical scalpel and effectively removing 3-4 weeks of hair growth and dead skin build up

Good candidates for dermaplaning

Have superficial facial hair or “peach fuzz”
Have dry or dull skin
Want to exfoliate their skin to allow for better penetration of medical grade skincare products, improved efficacy of light treatments
Have large pores
Have superficial lines and wrinkles
Have blackheads

How treatment looks like ?

The dermaplaning process starts with cleansing your skin and applying a degreaser. Next your skin will be held taught and the blade will gently scrape back and forth across your skin at a 45 degree angle until all the dead skin and hair is removed. There is no pain associated with the treatment and most patients fall asleep during the procedure. After, serums and sunscreen will be applied to hydrate and improve texture. You may return to your normal regimen directly after the treatment, but keep in mind that you will probably be a little more sensitive to the products you are using since they will penetrate much quicker. A typical dermaplaning treatment will take around 30 minutes. If you are planning on having a facial, light chemical peel, or even a BBL treatment, you should plan 45 minutes to an hour for the treatment. After a dermaplaning treatment, your skin will be smooth, have a nice glow, and may be slightly pink. There is typically no downtime associated with dermaplaning, but some people may feel a little sensitivity depending on how the skin tolerates the treatment. You may apply makeup after the treatment, but it is typically recommended to wait a few hours before makeup application. Have blackheads

How often should I Dermaplane?

If you are using dermaplaning to treat superficial facial hair, you can perform it every 3-4 weeks, depending on soon the hair grows back. For dead skin cell exfoliation, dermaplaning is performed about every four weeks which corresponds to the rate at which skin cells turnover (28-30 days).